What is Genital Herpes?

What is Genital Herpes?

Genital Herpes is a condition caused by infection with a virus known as the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which can be passed from person to person through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. It causes small blisters in the infected area that can tingle, burn, or ich, around...
How To Stop Hair Loss

How To Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss is a major contributor to waning self-confidence and unhappiness and it affects so many! Indeed, 2 in 3 men experience male pattern baldness, and 40% of UK men experience hair loss before they are 35, but hair loss also affects women. This is called...
How Does Orlistat Work?

How Does Orlistat Work?

What Is Orlistat? Orlistat pills, sometimes referred to as ‘Alli’ or Xenical, are a weight loss aid that, when combined with changes in eating habits, improved nutrition, and an increase in physical exercise can help to maximise the effects of weight loss routines...
What Is Acid Reflux? Get Acid Reflux Relief

What Is Acid Reflux? Get Acid Reflux Relief

What Is Acid Reflux?   Acid reflux is a common but complex condition that leads people to buy acid reflux tablets (or source themselves an acid reflux treatment) and is categorised as a combination of symptoms, the most notable of them being heartburn. Heartburn...
How To Stop Heartburn

How To Stop Heartburn

How To Stop Heartburn If you’re one of the 25% of the U.K population who has experienced acid reflux or heartburn at some point in their lives, then you will want to know how to stop heartburn as it can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms as well as...
How To Work Out BMI

How To Work Out BMI

How To Work Out BMI To maintain a healthy weight, you first need to establish whether you are overweight, which means you need to know how to work out BMI. By working out your BMI you will be able to determine what a healthy weight would be for your body type. This is...
How To Treat Chlamydia

How To Treat Chlamydia

How To Treat Chlamydia Chlamydia is one of the most common STIs in the UK. In this blog post, we will reveal everything you need to know about how to treat Chlamydia, how to get rid of Chlamydia, as well as the symptoms that are associated with it. What is Chlamydia?...
Is Orlistat good for weight loss?

Is Orlistat good for weight loss?

If you’re overweight, and dieting and exercise haven’t worked for you, your doctor might recommend a weight loss program. This could include diet pills such as Orlistat, which is sometimes sold under the brand name Xenical. According to the NHS, ‘many different...
How to diet when taking Orlistat

How to diet when taking Orlistat

There are many dieting fads and weight loss techniques that have a bad reputation, but the prescription-only medication Orlistat (or Xenical) is described by the NHS as the only clinically tested anti-obesity medicine that is safe and effective. You can buy Orlistat...
Which is better, Cialis or Viagra?

Which is better, Cialis or Viagra?

Cialis and Viagra are two of the most popular erectile dysfunction treatments on the market, and their effects do differ slightly. Cialis can last for up to 36 hours, whereas Viagra tends to last between 4 and 6 hours. This can mean that a lot less planning is...
Levitra vs Viagra: Which is better?

Levitra vs Viagra: Which is better?

For most men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, the medication they choose will be a matter of personal preference. Both Levitra and Viagra work for a high percentage of men, so the first one you happen to use might be the one you stick with. However, if this isn’t...
How much Levitra should I take?

How much Levitra should I take?

Levitra is the branded version of a medication called Vardenafil, which is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It is a potent phosphodiesterase (PDE5) enzyme inhibitor, helping blood vessels in the penis to dilate and increasing blood flow to the region....