How To Work Out BMI

To maintain a healthy weight, you first need to establish whether you are overweight, which means you need to know how to work out BMI. By working out your BMI you will be able to determine what a healthy weight would be for your body type. This is the main function of the body mass index (BMI). Continue reading to find out what BMI is and how you can work this out so that you can use it as an important metric in your weight loss journey.

As mentioned above, BMI stands for your body mass index. It is a measurement that uses your weight and your height to determine whether or not you are currently a healthy body size.

The BMI ranges are as follows:
Obese BMI range: 30 and 39.9
Overweight BMI range: 25 and 29.9
Healthy BMI range: 18.5 and 24.9
Underweight BMI range: below 18.5

How is your BMI calculated?

Now we need to look at how to work out BMI accurately, so you can determine what range you fall into. BMI is calculated by dividing your weight, in kilograms, by your height, in metres squared. Luckily, there are lots of online calculators that will do the hard work for you. The NHS BMI calculator asks you to specify whether you are a child or adult, has you enter your height and weight, as well as your age, sex, and your activity level. These extra questions are designed to give you greater accuracy regarding your BMI.

The reason why BMI is key for weight loss and management

There have been many studies that have proven that your BMI plays a key role in both weight loss and weight management. It is widely regarded that, if you are in the healthy BMI range, then your chances of living a long life free from disease improve considerably. There have also been many studies into BMI in terms of its relationship with certain conditions (as it is a well-researched risk factor for certain conditions as well as many diseases). For example, research shows that there is a strong link between type 2 diabetes and having a high BMI. With every increase in BMI, your risk of developing this condition increases. If your BMI is high, you may also have an increased risk of developing other diseases, including heart disease, high cholesterol, and hypertension. If you want to lose weight, monitoring your BMI should be a critical part of the process. To lose weight, a balanced diet and regular exercise are advised, yet you can also aid the process with weight loss tablets too.

How PostMyMeds can help

If your BMI indicates that you are overweight or obese, we can help you to lose weight safely and effectively. We have a great selection of weight loss products available. The risks of obesity range from depression and infertility to gout and diabetes. Xenical capsules, as well as Orlistat capsules, can help you to lose weight effectively. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information, or you can call us on 020 8894 6080.

Although all of our content is written and reviewed by healthcare professionals, it should not be substituted for or used as medical advice. If you have any questions about your health, please speak to your doctor.

Authored Apr 08, 2019 by Joseph Issac, MPharm
Reviewed Apr 09, 2019 by Prabjeet Saundh, MPharm