Do you have some trouble getting an erection? You’re not alone. A high percentage of men between the ages of thirty and sixty experience this issue. It is not always easy to pin down the cause, but thankfully there are several healthy ways to respond.

According to medical science the causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) range from health and lifestyle, to underlying medical conditions. For most men, simple changes to diet and lifestyle will improve their performance and sexual arousal, but for others there may be a deeper concern.

If you have any doubts or don’t notice an improvement after making lifestyle changes, contact your doctor for more specific medical advice.

Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Erectile dysfunction is very common, particularly in men over forty. It’s thought that 33% of men will experience ED before the age of fifty, and 43% will experience it before they reach sixty. Although the numbers are high it is usually nothing to worry about.

The majority of men occasionally fail to get or to maintain an erection. The causes for this may be numerous. It could be due to stress, tiredness, alcohol, or part of an underlying issue relating to physical or emotional health. It’s worth exploring the individual causes of this condition.

Natural Remedies

There are generally two responses to treat erectile dysfunction to promote improved sexual activity, a medicinal response and natural solution. In most cases it makes sense to explore the natural solutions first and avoid medication if necessary. Natural solutions take the form of diet, health and wellbeing practices, exercise, and psychotherapy to aid mental health.


Diet and lifestyle changes can have a massive effect on your erectile performance. It’s thought that a poor diet that contains high fat foods, smoking and alcohol consumption, all contribute to ED issues. If you want to improve your erectile performance without medication, diet and lifestyle changes are the best place to start.


When you improve your overall health through diet and exercise you may notice an improvement in your erectile performance. Unless you have an underlying condition causing the issue, it’s probable that your ED is related to habits, lifestyle, emotions, or psychology. Redesign your life to improve your performance.


If you have erectile problems only some of the time, for example you get an erection in the morning but not during sex, your issue might be emotional or psychological in nature. To solve these issues without medication you can talk to a GP or counsellor. Your GP may recommend CBT or sex therapy.

Medications for ED

When you try changing your diet and lifestyle but you still experience erectile problems you might want to try a medical solution. There are several medicines on the market, such as sildenafil to increase blood flow through blood vessels, also known as Viagra. This medicine might be prescribed by your doctor, but it is also available over the counter.

Changes in regulations mean that sildenafil is now available through online pharmacies, without the need of a prior prescription from your doctor. Sildenafil products are easy to access, however you will first have to undergo a consultation to ensure it is safe and suitable for your use.

Although all of our content is written and reviewed by healthcare professionals, it should not be substituted for or used as medical advice. If you have any questions about your health, please speak to your doctor.

Authored Mar 15, 2021 by Joseph Issac, MPharm
Reviewed Mar 23, 2021 by Prabjeet Saundh, MPharm